Careers at Viridis Laboratories

Currently there are no available positions at Viridis Laboratories Lansing or Bay City. Please reach out to us via our Contact page if you have any questions or would like to provide a resume.

Employees in this job participate primarily in the collection of horticultural samples and related manufactured products for health, safety, and regulatory compliance purposes. They also participate in a variety of analytical laboratory support activities for a specific testing or research program.  Work is performed through the application of a body of knowledge related to standard laboratory methods, practices, procedures, policies, regulations, and laboratory materials and equipment.  

  1. At the entry level, the employee works in a learning capacity while performing a range of field technician assignments under close supervision.   
  1. At the intermediate level, the employee works in a developing capacity with increased responsibility for performing a range of field technician assignments. 
  1. At the experienced level, the employee performs a full range of field technician assignments and uses considerable judgement in making decisions requiring the interpretation and application of guidelines with considerable latitude to specific work situations.  

Employees in this job complete or oversee a variety of tests, analyses, or production and research activities involving chemical, biochemical and biological samples, specimens, and products.  

As a trainee, the employee carries out a range of professional laboratory scientist assignments while learning the methods of the work.   

At the intermediate level, the employee carries out an expanding range of professional laboratory scientist assignments in a developing capacity.  

At the experienced level, the employee performs a full range of professional laboratory scientist assignments in a full-functioning capacity.  Considerable independent judgment is required to carry out assignments that have a significant impact on services or programs.  Guidelines may be available, but require adaptation or interpretation to determine appropriate courses of action.  

At the advanced level, the employee may function as a lead worker or senior worker.  At this level, employees are responsible for overseeing the work assignments of other professionals.   

Employees in this job participate in a variety of analytical laboratory support activities for a specific testing or research program.  Work is performed through the application of a body of knowledge related to standard laboratory methods, practices, procedures, policies, regulations, and laboratory materials and equipment.  

  • At the entry level, the employee works in a learning capacity while performing a range of laboratory technician assignments under close supervision.   
  • At the intermediate level, the employee works in a developing capacity with increased responsibility for performing a range of laboratory technician assignments. 
  • At the experienced level, the employee performs a full range of laboratory technician assignments and uses considerable judgement in making decisions requiring the interpretation and application of guidelines with considerable latitude to specific work situations.  

Employees in this job participate in a variety of analytical laboratory support activities for a specific testing or research program.  Work is performed through the application of a body of knowledge related to standard laboratory methods, practices, procedures, policies, regulations, and laboratory materials and equipment.  

  • The employee performs a full range of laboratory assignments and uses considerable judgement in making decisions requiring the interpretation and application of guidelines with considerable latitude to specific work situations.  
  • The employee will be the primary point person for the Laboratory Supervisor to assign tasks, and will convey those assigned tasks to laboratory staff. 
  • The employee will have knowledge of and be able to perform all duties of a Laboratory Technician including paperwork, sample prep, METRC, and some instrument experience. 
  • The employee trains and on-boards new technicians and serves as a resource for them. 

Employees in this job focus primarily on sample analysis, the development of new analyses or techniques, improvement of existing ones, and assisting with quality assurance efforts necessary to maintain accreditation.  The team member will pursue projects as directed and may suggest new projects for approval.  They will follow all given timelines and adhere to deadlines as appropriate.  They will also assist with production throughput as needed or requested by the laboratory director.   

As a trainee, the employee carries out a range of professional laboratory scientist assignments while learning the methods of the work.   

At the intermediate level, the employee carries out an expanding range of professional laboratory scientist assignments in a developing capacity.  

At the experienced level, the employee performs a full range of professional laboratory scientist assignments in a full-functioning capacity.  Considerable independent judgment is required to carry out assignments that have a significant impact on services or programs.  Guidelines may be available but require adaptation or interpretation to determine appropriate courses of action.  

At the advanced level, the employee may function as a lead worker or senior worker.  At this level, employees are responsible for overseeing the work assignments of other professionals as directed by the laboratory director or their designee.   

Employees in this job assist with internal and external technical support requests and participate in a variety of IT/LIMS support duties. Work is performed through the application of a body of knowledge related to computer software, hardware and troubleshooting. 

  • At the entry-level, the employee works in a learning capacity while performing a range of data maintaining assignments under close supervision.   
  • At the intermediate level, the employee works in a developing capacity with increased responsibility for performing a range of data maintaining assignments. 
  • At the experienced level, the employee performs a full range of data maintaining assignments and IT responsibilities as applicable. While using considerable judgment in making decisions requiring the interpretation and application of guidelines with considerable latitude to specific work situations.